موقع "مسيحي" أسّسه ويديره كهنة و علمانيّون ينتمون إلى الكنيسة الكاثوليكية الجامعة الرسوليّة

O God, who in your kindness called your holy servant Maron to the following of Christ, grant, we pray, through his intercession, that, denying ourselves, we may hold fast to you with all our heart.

أيُّها القدّيس مارون، فخر النسّاك وقدوة الرهبان، يا مُعلِّماً حكيماً للإيمان الصحيح، وهادياً النفوس إلى طريق الخلاص، نتضرَّعُ إليكَ أن تستمِدَّ لنا نعمة الثبات في الإيمان، والغيرة على نشره، والجهاد في سبيل خلاص النفوس

Lord Jesus, How often we ask why : When illness or other adversity strikes–"Why me?" In the rubble of natural disaster–"Why here?" When the answer to prayer isn't what we had in mind–"Why not?" Loving Savior, Help me to regard whatever comes my way this day As opportunity: To give thanks for blessings undeserved; In offering forgiveness, to be...

Lord, For all who face uncertainty, May faith remain constant and sure; Where there is discouragement, Please lighten the burden through hope.

Heavenly Father, May the prayers I offer be pleasing to You, And my actions reflect Your love.

Lord Jesus To You I offer joyful praise, For You are ever near me Throughout my life, in all my days, Knowing my every hope and need.

Lord Jesus To You I offer joyful praise, For You are ever near me Throughout my life, in all my days, Knowing my every hope and need.

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