موقع "مسيحي" أسّسه ويديره كهنة و علمانيّون ينتمون إلى الكنيسة الكاثوليكية الجامعة الرسوليّة

Lord Jesus, the Word made flesh, When I am worried, anxious, or afraid, please grant me peace of heart, if only for the moments I spend reflecting on Your Word.

Lord, in all I do today, help me to put You first— to seek You who alone can satisfy every spiritual hunger and thirst.

Lord Jesus, Help me to be a better disciple: To forgive more easily, To pray more gratefully, To help more spontaneously, To live my faith more openly, And to love more fully.

Loving God, As I continue my faith journey, I give You thanks that the Holy Spirit Accompanies me every step of the way.

Lord, I know that You are already Countless steps ahead of me, Yet I long to interact with You In all that I pray and do.

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