موقع "مسيحي" أسّسه ويديره كهنة و علمانيّون ينتمون إلى الكنيسة الكاثوليكية الجامعة الرسوليّة

May candles on the Advent wreath and lights on the Christmas tree Remind me that You are Light for the world, Shining here and for eternity.

Gracious Father, In this Advent time, may I see more clearly That you created me with purpose in Your plan.

Saint Nicholas, Giver of God's gifts and His helping hand, Please pray that children will eagerly receive The spirit of giving You help us to know, Rooted in faith and generosity.

Loving Savior, In this season of preparation, Please help me never to be too busy To notice Your promptings in my life.

Blessed Virgin Mary, handmaid of the Lord, please join me as I pray that I will serve Him well and yet hand Jesus the burdens He longs to take away.

Loving Savior, Through the blessings of this holy time, May rekindled faith in You Bring rejoicing that You have come To light our world with hope renewed.

Lord, in this Advent season, May I wait with hope renewed, For Your birth gave every reason To have faith in You.

Coming Savior, in my heart I treasure the love You give with overflowing measure.

Lord, In this time of devotion and prayer, I ask for grace to receive The peace that comes from You alone, Your gift to those who believe.

On this day, may I put aside Cares that weigh on heart or mind, Allowing room for happiness And gratitude, for I am blessed.

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