Prayer for a Good Day

Gracious Lord, I express my gratitude for awakening me this morning to embrace a new day and dedicate my life to serving You.
You bring genuine goodness into my existence.
While I acknowledge that there are countless potential difficulties that may arise today, I choose to center my thoughts on Your benevolence.
I beseech You to guide me in experiencing a positive day, regardless of the ever-changing circumstances that surround me.
Grant me the insight and perception to recognize opportunities where I can extend a helping hand or offer solace to those in pain.
Instill in me the virtue of selflessness, prompting me to prioritize the well-being of others. As this day concludes, remind me to express my appreciation for each blessing You have bestowed upon me.
May I always find joy in the smallest and greatest gifts that flow from Your divine grace.
I offer this prayer in the name of Jesus.